How to auto-post Facebook Page posts to Google My Business

You can automatically share posts from a Facebook Page to a Google Business Profile (aka Google My Business) with OneUp.

First go to OneUp and connect the social media accounts you want to post TO (the Google Business Profile account in this scenario)

OneUp supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and Google My Business.

Next, go to “Auto-post FROM social network or RSS feeds”:

Then choose “Auto-post FROM a Facebook Page”:

Then paste in the URL of the Facebook Page that you want to post FROM:

Then choose which of your social accounts you want to post TO:

In this example, I have selected a Google Business Profile as the account I want to post TO. You can choose to have CTA buttons added to each post that goes to your Google Business Profile.

Click Add and that’s it!

Now whenever something is posted on that Facebook Page, it will automatically publish on your Google Business Profile (or whatever social accounts you’ve selected to post TO)

Link to OneUp’s website:

How to autopost Facebook posts to Google Business Profile

You can automatically share posts from a Facebook Page to a Google Business Profile (aka Google My Business) with OneUp.

First go to OneUp and connect the social media accounts you want to post TO (the Google Business Profile account in this scenario)

OneUp supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and Google My Business.

Next, go to “Auto-post FROM social network or RSS feeds”:

Then choose “Auto-post FROM a Facebook Page”:

Then paste in the URL of the Facebook Page that you want to post FROM:

Then choose which of your social accounts you want to post TO:

In this example, I have selected a Google Business Profile as the account I want to post TO. You can even choose to have CTA buttons added to each post that goes to your Google Business Profile.

Click Add, and that’s it!

Now whenever something is posted on that Facebook Page, it will automatically publish on your Google Business Profile (or whatever social accounts you’ve selected to post TO)

Link to OneUp’s website:

How to autopost Facebook to LinkedIn

You can automatically share posts from a Facebook Page to a LinkedIn account with OneUp.

First go to OneUp and connect the social media accounts you want to post TO (the LinkedIn account in this scenario)

OneUp supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and Google My Business.

Next, go to “Auto-post FROM social network or RSS feeds”:

Then choose “Auto-post FROM a Facebook Page”:

Then paste in the URL of the Facebook Page that you want to post FROM:

Then choose which of your social accounts you want to post TO:

In this example, I have selected a LinkedIn account as the account I want to post TO.

Click Add, and that’s it!

Now whenever something is posted on that Facebook Page, it will automatically publish on your LinkedIn account (or whatever social accounts you’ve selected to post TO)

Link to OneUp’s website:

How to autopost from Twitter to Instagram

Here’s how you can automatically share posts from a Twitter account to an Instagram account with OneUp.

First go to OneUp and connect the social media accounts you want to post TO (the Instagram account in this scenario)

OneUp supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and Google My Business.

Next, go to “Auto-post FROM social network or RSS feeds”:

Then choose “Auto-post FROM a Twitter account”:

Then paste in the URL of the Twitter account that you want to post FROM:

Then choose which of your social accounts you want to post TO:

In this example, I have selected an Instagram account as the account I want to post TO.

Click Add, and that’s it!

Now whenever something is posted on that Twitter account, it will automatically publish on your Instagram account (or whatever social accounts you’ve selected to post TO)

Link to OneUp’s website:

How to autopost Facebook to Twitter

You can automatically share posts from a Facebok Page to a Twitter account with OneUp.

First go to OneUp and connect the social media accounts you want to post TO (the Twitter account in this scenario)

OneUp supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and Google My Business.

Next, go to “Auto-post FROM social network or RSS feeds”:

Then choose “Auto-post FROM a Facebook Page”:

Then paste in the URL of the Facebook Page that you want to post FROM:

Then choose which of your social accounts you want to post TO:

In this example, I have selected a Twitter account as the account I want to post TO.

Click Add, and that’s it!

Now whenever something is posted on that Facebook Page, it will automatically publish on your Twitter account (or whatever social accounts you’ve selected to post TO)

Link to OneUp’s website:

How to autopost Twitter to Facebook

You can automatically share posts from a Twitter account to a Facebook Page with OneUp.

First, go to OneUp and connect the social media accounts you want to post TO (the Facebook Page in this scenario)

OneUp supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and Google My Business.

Next, go to “Auto-post FROM social network or RSS feeds”:

Then choose “Auto-post FROM a Twitter account”:

autopost Twitter to Facebook

Then paste in the URL of the Twitter account that you want to post FROM:

autopost from Twitter to Facebook

Then choose which of your social accounts you want to post TO:

In this example, I have selected a Facebook Page as the account I want to post TO.

Click Add, and that’s it!

Now whenever something is posted on that Twitter account, it will automatically publish on your Facebook Page (or whatever social accounts you’ve selected to post TO)

Here’s the link to OneUp website:

How to auto-post from one social network to another?

This post goes over how to auto-post from one social network to another.

Many people have requests like this:

I am looking to set something up so that when I post on Facebook directly, it automatically posts the same thing on Instagram and Google My Business.


I want to post to Twitter directly, but then have that post automatically go to LinkedIn as well.

Or some other combination like that.

Here is how to auto-post from one social network to another

First go to OneUp and connect the social media accounts you want to post TO.

OneUp supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and Google My Business.

Next, go to “Auto-post FROM social network or RSS feeds”:

Then choose either “Auto-post FROM a Facebook Page” or “Auto-post FROM a Twitter account”:

Then paste in the URL of the Facebook Page or Twitter account that you want to post FROM:

Then choose which of your social accounts you want to post TO:

In this example, I have selected a Facebook Page and LinkedIn account as the accounts I want to post TO.

That’s it!

Now whenever something is posted on that Facebook Page or Twitter account, it will automatically publish on the social account you have selected 

With OneUp, you can select as many accounts as you want, so that the posts from one account automatically go to whichever accounts you select. You can also add as many feeds as you want.

Can I schedule Facebook posts on a personal profile?

This post goes over scheduling Facebook posts on a personal profile.

Prior to August of 2018, you could schedule Facebook posts on personal profiles using third-party scheduling tools.

However, on August 1st, 2018, Facebook changed their API and removed the ability for scheduling tools to schedule Facebook posts directly to personal profiles.

However, with the social media scheduling tool OneUp, you can schedule posts, Stories, and Reels to your personal Facebook profile, and receive a notification on your phone when the time comes.

You just open the notification, which will copy your post’s caption to your clipboard and open the Facebook mobile app, and you simply paste in your post.

Here are some screenshots showing how it works:

How to schedule posts to a personal profile on Facebook

OneUp is a social media scheduling tool that allows you to schedule posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google My Business, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

After connecting your personal Facebook profile to OneUp, click “Create a post”:

Schedule post personal Facebook profile

Then start creating your post, adding your text description and any images or video to your post:

schedule personal Facebook profile posts

You can attach up to 10 images to your post.

Then choose to either repeat this post, or have it just post once, and then schedule your post for a date and time in the future.

personal FB profile scheduler

How do personal Facebook Profile notifications work?

You’ll receive a push notification on your phone at the time you scheduled the post for.

Tap the notification, and it will open your post in the OneUp mobile app:

Personal profile scheduler for Facebook

Tap “Share this on Facebook”, and your post caption will automatically be copied. Tap “Got it” and it will open the Facebook app with your image (if your post had one):

FB profile scheduling tool

Then you are ready to paste in your caption. Tap in the caption box and you will get a “Paste” option.

FB profile scheduler

Your caption was automatically copied previously, so you just need to paste it in:

You are now ready to share your post to your personal Facebook Profile 😊

TIP: If you miss a notification, you can find all your recent notifications in the Notification History tab in the mobile app:

Notification history for Facebook posts

You can also schedule Facebook Stories and Facebook Reels to your personal Facebook profile with OneUp using the same method 😊

Try out scheduling your personal Facebook Profile posts with OneUp

This is the most upvoted post ever on Reddit (2022 update)

With over 464,000 upvotes, this is the most upvoted post ever on Reddit:

Post with most upvotes on Reddit

It was posted on Reddit on January 30th, 2021 by u/SomeGuyInDeutschland

The post is titled “Times Square right now”, with a video of a billboard in Times Square with the text “$GME GO BRRR”.

Here is the link to the most upvoted post of all time on Reddit

With over 438,000 upvotes, this is the second-most upvoted post on Reddit:

Most upvoted post on Reddit

It was posted on Reddit on June 17th, 2020 by u/ReallyRickAstley, and yes, it is the real Rick Astley’s Reddit account.

The Reddit post is titled, “I’ve found a few funny memories during lockdown. This is from my 1st tour in 89, backstage in Vegas.”

It has a picture of Rick Astley riding a bike backstage during his first tour back in 1989.

Here is a link to the most upvoted Reddit post of all time posted by Rick Astley.

Before Rick Astley dethroned it in June 2020, this used to be the most upvoted post on Reddit for years:

Most upvoted post ever on Reddit

It was posted on Reddit on April 1st, 2017 by u/serventofgaben in the r/movies subreddit, and became the most upvoted Reddit post of all time, holding on to the #1 spot on Reddit for years.

However, you won’t be able to see it if you sort by top posts of all time on r/all, because some user accidentally deleted the image on Imgur. Here’s the thread on the subreddit r/TIFU where that user explains how he accidentally deleted it.

That Reddit post itself has gone on to receive over 41,000 upvotes.

Here is the link to the former most upvoted post on Reddit on the r/movies subreddit.

Need a way to schedule Reddit posts? Check out Postpone

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The 31 biggest subreddits (2022 update)

Here is a list of the 31 biggest subreddits, ranked by number of subscribers (list updated in 2022):

RankSubreddit name# of subscribers

That concludes the list of the 31 biggest subreddits.

Need a way to schedule Reddit posts? Check out Postpone

Want an easy way to earn free Bitcoin? is a Bitcoin faucet that lets you “roll” a virtual number once every 60 minutes.

You always win some Bitcoin every time, but if you hit certain ranges of numbers, you win big:

In a short period of time, I have won over 0.046 BTC:

That is equal to over $1,575 USD. Not bad for doing nothing.

And yes, they actually pay out. I have cashed out before and it was a quick and painless process.

I was kind of hesitant at first, but is one of the few legitimate sites where you can earn Bitcoin for free.

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