How to add Facebook Stories to your Business page

This post goes over how to add a Facebook Story to your Facebook Business page from a computer.

Facebook Stories are becoming increasingly popular, with Facebook doing their best to push Stories by putting them at the very top of everyone’s News Feed.

To take advantage of this newer channel, many businesses are looking to publish Facebook Stories to their Facebook Business page.

How to add Facebook Stories to your Business page

To add a Facebook Story to your Business page, it is quite simple.

1. If you are on a computer, simply click the blue “+” next to your businesses main profile picture.

2. Next, create your Facebook Story. At the bottom of this popup box, you will see the options to post this to “Your Page’s Story” and “News Feed” already checked. If you do not want this Facebook Story also published as a normal post on your page, uncheck “News Feed”.

3. Click Share Now.

That’s it. Once posted, your page’s Facebook Story will be public for 24 hours, and will be shown above the News Feed to your followers.

Need a way to schedule and automate your social media posts?

OneUp is a social media scheduling tool that allows you to schedule and automate your posts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Threads, Google My Business, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

And YES, OneUp allows you to schedule Facebook Stories!

Here are some of the features of OneUp:

Posting to multiple pages – For people who are posting to multiple pages or more than one social network at a time, OneUp makes it easy to post to FB Pages and Groups, LinkedIn profiles and pages, and Twitter accounts, Pinterest, Google My Business, and Instagram all at once.

Repeating post – OneUp gives you the option to repeat your posts automatically. This allows you to resurface old posts that otherwise would have never been seen again. Also for anyone that has a Facebook Group with daily themes that repeat every week (such as “Make it happen Monday”), OneUp makes it easy to entirely automate this.

RSS feed automation – If there are any blogs, publications, podcasts, or YouTube channels that put out good content consistently, you can add the RSS feed links in OneUp, then whenever new content is posted from those places, it is automatically shared to the pages you select.

Chrome Extension – Using the OneUp Chrome extension, you can easily schedule many images at once from any website, such as sunsets for example. You can choose which images from the website you want to post to social media, bulk update or individually update the descriptions and links for each post, then schedule them to be posted with a set interval (such as every 60 minutes), or choose custom dates and times for all of them.

Customizable UTM parameters – OneUp lets you customize UTM parameters so you can keep track of how your links are performing in Google Analytics.

Link Shortening – Connect your Bitly account and OneUp will automatically shorten any links and allow you to track clicks through Bitly.

Try out OneUp with a free 7-day trial

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