I can’t schedule a post on my Facebook page? [2023 Update]

Back in 2022, Facebook made some changes and removed the ability to schedule posts directly on Facebook pages. NOTE: This post is about scheduling posts to a Facebook Page. If you are looking to schedule posts to a personal Facebook Profile, check out this post instead. To schedule posts on your Facebook page, you now […]

How to schedule Instagram Stories that post directly (for free)

Is it possible to schedule Instagram Stories that publish directly? Yes, with OneUp you can post Instagram Stories that publish directly to Instagram – no need for mobile notifications! To schedule an Instagram Story, choose “Schedule Instagram Story” from the Create A Post dropdown in OneUp: Then select which Instagram account(s) you would like to […]

How do I get my Facebook posts to automatically post to Twitter?

Many people have requests like this: I want to post to Facebook natively, but then have that post automatically go to Twitter as well. Here is how to do it with OneUp. First go to OneUp and connect the social media accounts you want to post TO (the Twitter account in this scenario) OneUp supports […]

Here is a list of the most liked tweets ever (2023 update)

Here is a list of the most liked tweets ever, updated in 2022. #2 on the list recently changed when Elon Musk tweeted “Next I’m buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in” on April 27th, 2022, which received 4.7 million likes. Here is the list of most-liked tweets: Rank Tweet Posted by Likes Date […]

How to auto-post Facebook Page posts to Google My Business

You can automatically share posts from a Facebook Page to a Google Business Profile (aka Google My Business) with OneUp. First go to OneUp and connect the social media accounts you want to post TO (the Google Business Profile account in this scenario) OneUp supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and Google My […]

How to auto-post from one social network to another?

This post goes over how to auto-post from one social network to another. Many people have requests like this: I am looking to set something up so that when I post on Facebook directly, it automatically posts the same thing on Instagram and Google My Business. OR I want to post to Twitter directly, but […]

Can I schedule Facebook posts on a personal profile?

This post goes over scheduling Facebook posts on a personal profile. Prior to August of 2018, you could schedule Facebook posts on personal profiles using third-party scheduling tools. However, on August 1st, 2018, Facebook changed their API and removed the ability for scheduling tools to schedule Facebook posts directly to personal profiles. However, with the […]