Does Sprout Social support scheduling Twitter threads?

Sprout Social allows you to schedule Tweets in advance, but can you schedule Twitter threads for the future with Sprout Social?

Unfortunately Sprout Social does not allow you to schedule Twitter threads.

However, you can schedule Twitter threads with OneUp.

And yes, OneUp has a Free Plan 😊

How to schedule Twitter threads for free

OneUp is one of the only social media scheduling tools that supports scheduling Twitter threads.

To schedule your Twitter thread in OneUp, click “Schedule Twitter Threads” in the Schedule Post dropdown.

Schedule Twitter threads

Then select your Twitter account, and start creating your Twitter thread.

Twitter thread scheduler

To add another part to your Twitter thread, click the “+” button. You can add as many parts to your thread as you want, and just like on Twitter, you can add up to 4 images on each tweet in your Twitter thread.

Schedule tweet storms

You can add images to any of the tweets in the thread by clicking the image icon, and just like on Twitter, you can add a video, GIF, or up to 4 images in each tweet of your thread.

You can also add Alt Text to your images, just like on Twitter 😊

Once you’re finished, you can either post your thread now, or you can click “Schedule Post” to schedule your Twitter thread for the future.

OneUp makes it easy to schedule Twitter threads in advance.

And yes, there is a Free Plan 😊

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