How to write an Article on a LinkedIn company page

LinkedIn allows you to publish both Posts and Articles (more like long blog posts) to your personal profile.

But does LinkedIn allow you to write an Article on a LinkedIn company page?

Yes! Articles can only be posted by both personal profiles and company pages on LinkedIn.

On either your company page or your personal profile, you will see you have the “Write article” option:

Write article Linkedin company page

Need a way to schedule LinkedIn posts?

I am the founder of a social media tool called OneUp that allows you to schedule posts (but not Articles) to LinkedIn (both personal profiles and company pages), in addition to other social networks.

Here’s how it works:

On the Accounts page in OneUp, the first step is to connect your LinkedIn account(s). You can connect both LinkedIn company pages, as well as LinkedIn personal profiles.

After, click on Schedule a post.

On the scheduling page, choose which LinkedIn accounts you want to post to. If you have multiple LinkedIn accounts, you can select multiple company pages and personal profiles at the same time.

Then write the contents of your LinkedIn post.

You can add photos directly from your computer, create an image in the Canva integration, or choose a professional photo from the Unsplash integration.

Then choose to post it once, or to have the post repeat automatically. Example: this LinkedIn post is scheduled to repeat every three months.

Then choose to post it now, or schedule your LinkedIn post for the future.

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